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Chapter Title: The Practitioner from Within: Revisiting the Virtues

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“If there is such thing as the truth about the subject matter of ethics..Why is there any expectation that is should be simple? In particular, why should it be conceptually simple, using one or two ethical concepts, such as duty or good state of affairs, rather than many? Perhaps we need as many concepts to describe it as we find we need, and no fewer.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know more about ethics and morality relation.
2. To understand character forming vs. action guiding theory.
3. To know the need for contemporary moral theory.
4. To know the different Core Values.
5. To know the Imagination and Narrative Genre.


As users of computer technology, we are faced with a myriad of ethical problems generated by computer mediated action. Invasion of privacy, using the internet for pornography and illegal access to information and systems have become newsworthy as the sex scandals and more far reaching. The response to these issues, at least in the United States, has been tried to pass laws to stop the abuse. As we have seen this attempts at regulation are seriously disputed by those who value the freedom associated with the global information infrastructure and are hacked around by those with technological expertise.

Traditionally computer ethics texts and courses involve taking students who are not philosophically trained, exposing them to action guiding theories presenting them with the codes of ethics of several companies and professional organizations and asking them to make ethical decisions in scenario based cases.

And so the answer to our mutual concerns lies in open discourse between our groups: those from without and the practitioners from within. The reality of computer technology is that sooner or later we will all become practitioners from within on many different levels. We therefore need a commonality of language that will cross the global infrastructure of information communication technology. So appreciate the approaching computer ethics through moral agency does not negate serious attention to action nor concern for objects in the information infrastructure. Rather it adds one more dimension to a complex field and approaches computer ethics as the integrative, global field that it is.

• Ethics
• Morality
• Character forming vs. Action guiding theories
• Need for contemporary moral theory
• Revisiting the virtues
• Core vales
• Practitioner from within
• Imagination and narrative genre

Integrative Questions:

1. What are the core values and explain each.
2. What do you mean by revisiting the virtues?
3. What virtues are mentioned?
4. What is character forming and action guiding theories.
5. What is ethics?


Chapter Title: Ethical Issues in Business Computing

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“I believe that in case of business computer ethics, specifically concerned not with academic theory but the real world it is particularly important to be pragmatic.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is business computing.
2. To know the different sizes issues.
3. To know the task of business computing.
4. To know what is data consideration.
5. To know the different divisions based on this chapter.


In the developed world, virtually all modern business relies heavily upon the use of computers. Nevertheless, despite the overwhelming commercial advantages carried by use of modern computer system, their power and distant from common human experience potentially carry considerable associated disadvantages. Such disadvantages are particularly relevant to the development and maintenance of appropriate business behavior.

As the range of resources available to modern business developed, the potential range of both ethical and unethical behavior has increased dramatically. It is no longer possible to rely solely upon common human experience in evaluating behavior, because much current business practices lies beyond it. For the reason alone, it may no longer be practicable to define ethical behavior in business without reference to other specialist fields.

The task of defining what exactly what is meant by business computing is by no means straight forward. One complication is that there is no one type of computer or computer systems that must be used by business people, because the nature of properly designed computer systems is to changed and adapt to specific needs. The practical use of systems is not only relevant issue. The actual material processed by business systems- all data entered and generated-differs greatly. This is particularly important, as the nature data held on company systems must affect the uses to which it may ethically be put.

All companies of whatever size should consider their use of computer system. If a policy on computer has not already been developed, it is not just sensible but essential that urgent consideration is given to the ways in which systems are currently being used.

• Scope of business computing
• Business computing itself
• Size issues
• Level one
• Level Two
• Level Three
• Level four
• The tasks of business computing
• Data considerations
• Awareness by stakeholders and users
Integrative Questions:

1. What is business computing?
2. What is the purpose of a business computing system?
3. What are the penalties for computer misuse?
4. What are the company expectations to be considered?
5. Explain the size issues in terms of business computing.


Chapter Title: Subsumption Ethics

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“Act in such a way that it is possible for one to will that the maxim of one’s action should be become the universal law.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is Subsumption ethics.
2. To know the organizational Policy that drives it development.
3. To know the different axioms of subsumption ethics.
4. To know the ethical Framework
5. To know the philosophical framework.


The difference between computers and simple machines is the extent to which computer systems subsume design and development decisions over which users have little or no control. Subsuption ethics is the process by which decisions becomes incorporated into the operation of information technology and subsequently forgotten .

Subsumption in general is the process of building larger components from smaller ones. In this sense, a cell subsumes DNA function. American common law subsumes juridical decisions, and a half dryer subsumes an electric motor. Subsumption in computers is different because there is so much more subsumption going on than in simple machines.

In the computer systems, small components are developed and tested, and once they are working reliably they are subsumed into large systems. This is the enabling technique of object oriented programming. People tend to think that changes to software should be easy because programming is just a set of instructions and not like a building made up of hard materials.

There is something more at work here than just accumulating information. There is a knowledge component. Computer systems themselves are not sentient; however they provide an organization of available knowledge and information fed by the intelligence of millions of people. Subsumption ethics pushes ethical consideration into the heart of all technology decisions. Most technology wizards in the United States feel that if they miss the latest technology release, they will be left behind. Technology amplifies the action of the individuals and subsumptions ethics further describes the complex impacts of poor judgments in each of these cases.


• Subsumption ethics
• Systems Development
• Organizational policy drives IT development
• Axious of Subsumption ethics
• Four axioms
• Ethical Framework
• Philosophical frameworks applied to subsumption ethics
• Unnecessary complexity to common C programmers
• Popclient becomes fetchmail
• Fetchmail grows up
• Few more lessons from fetchmail
• Necessary preconditions for the bazaar style
• The social context of open-source software
• On management and the maginot line

Integrative Questions:

1. What is subsumption ethics?
2. What is systems development?
3. What are the four axioms?
4. What is the unnecessary complexity of a programmer?
5. Why organizational policy does drives IT development?


Chapter Title: No, PAPA: Why Incomplete Codes of Ethics are Worse than none at All

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

Amazon Link:


“The possible danger to life of weapons systems and whether it might be increased or reduced by a new system being developed is no addressed in any meaningful way by the PAPA issues.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is PAPA
2. To know why incomplete code of ethics are worse than none at all.
3. To know its environmental impact.
4. To know the difference between teleworking and telecommunicating.
5. To know the incomplete moral codes.


Condemnation of moral act may be so highly distorted as to be absurd, or highly immoral act may not be condemned at all, because the impacts that cause it to be considered immoral do not fit within the PAPA formulation. Not all important moral issues in information technology can be put under the PAPA headings.

The information age puts new emphasis on some parts of many older moral questions. The moral issues surrounding the development of weaponry are thus a few of the very many possible examples of how an older moral question can take on a new light as technology changes.

Privacy and Accuracy of computer data and information issues essentially unrelated to the environmental impacts of computing. Property issues in computing will have two tangential relationships to the environment: the cost of software that respects legal intellectual property rights, being a significant portion of the cost of computing tends to inhibit the increasing use of computers. But the possibility of a return on development costs induces software developers to produce software’s that requires computers with ever greater computing power, causing users to upgrade hardware far more frequently than wear and tear would require.

Invasion of privacy could enable criminals to build up a profile of where certain people live and work. Matching data sets in this way could enable the criminals to tell which houses will remain unoccupied during the working day and thus could be burgled with little chance of detection. Inaccurate data can lead to denials of credit that prevent participation in mainstream society in the developed world, or worse to false arrest on very serious changes.

• Definition of PAPA
• Weapons or the question of whether the technology for use in weapons systems ought to be developed
• Environmental impact of these systems
• Teleworking
• Telecommuting
• Protecting the weak against the strong
• Importance of the PAPA issues
• The pressures to look for loopholes on codes
• Incomplete moral codes
• Complete moral codes
• Avoiding accidental incomplete moral codes

Integrative Questions:

1. Why is there a need to complete the moral codes?
2. What is PAPA?
3. What is Teleworking and Telecommunicating?
4. What is the importance of PAPA issues?
5. Why is that moral codes are incomplete?


Chapter Title: Software Engineering Code of Ethics: Approved

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

Amazon Link:


“In all these judgments concern for the health, safety and welfare of the public is primary; that is, the ‘public interest’ is central to this code.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know the software engineering code of ethics.
2. To know the software engineering professional practice.
3. To know the different principles.
4. To know deeply IEEE-CS/ACM
5. To know the difference between software engineering codes to other code of ethics.


Software Engineer now has its own code of ethics. The code has been adopted by both the ACM and the IEE computer society having gone through an extensive review process that culminated in the official unanimous approval by the leadership of both professional organizations. The preamble to the code was significantly revised. It includes specific ethical standards to help the professional make ethical decisions.

According to this chapter the Code emphasizes the professional obligations to the public at large. This obligation is the final arbiter in all decisions. “In all these judgments concern for the health, safety and welfare of the public is primary; that is, the ‘public interest’ is central to this code.” The primacy of well being and quality of life of the public in all decisions related to software engineering is emphasized throughout the code. The primacy as well being and quality of life of public in all decisions related to software engineering is emphasized throughout the code.

According also to this chapter the code includes specific language about the importance of ethical behavior during the maintenance phase of the software development. The code reflects the amount of time a computer professional spends modifying and improving existing software. It is also makes clear that we need to treat maintenance with the same professionalism as new development. The quality of the maintenance depends upon the professionalism of the software engineer because maintenance is more likely only to be scrutinized locally whereas new development is generally reviewed at a broader corporate level.


• IEEE-CS/ACM Joint task force on software engineering ethics professional practices
• The short version of the software engineering ethics
• Public…
• Client…
• Employer…
• Products…
• Judgment…
• Management…
• Profession…
• Colleagues…
• Self…
• The full version
• The applied principles

Integrative Questions:

1. What does IEEE-CS?
2. What does ACM?
3. What is Software Engineer Code of Ethics?
4. What are the Software Engineer professional practices?
5. Enumerate and explain the short version of the software engineering ethics.


Chapter Title: Ethical Considerations for the Information Professions

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

Amazon Link:


“Ethics is the study of morality; the study of what we do. Morality could exist without ethics but there cannot be ethics without morality …morality is like eating; it is an inevitable part of everyone’s life. Ethics on the other hand, is like nutrition. It is crucial to living a good life but it is not an inevitable part of living or an activity engaged in by all. ”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know the ethical considerations for the information professions.
2. To know the philosophical foundations.
3. To understand deeply the code of ethics
4. To know the major issues stated in this chapter.
5. To know the three major realm in ethics.


The field of Information Ethics is relatively new. The issues specific to information ethics, however have certainly been with us for a longer time, yet continue to gain prominence and computer technologies. Information ethics bridges many disciplines, including library and information science, computer science, archival science records management, informatics, educational media technologies and more. Recognizing the importance of the ethical issues surrounding information assumes a critical role for information workers, librarians, or computer scientists alike. Certainly we are all becoming information workers in some form or another yet few of us receive any formal education on the ethics of information or ethics in general.

Today social obsession with technologies especially information technologies raises many serious concerns and considerations while we continue to explore and exploit seemingly unlimited potentials of technology and it’s powers serious reflection on the social, ethical and legal ramifications of technologies remains minimal. Moreover many existing moral principles and frameworks are being stretched and contorted to fit new found situations and issues, as technologies create here to therefore unheard of ethical dilemmas.

This chapter includes a brief introduction to the philosophical foundations of ethics and morality and an overview of basic principles of information ethics describes particular concerns of information professionals, and discusses codes of ethics for the information professions. An abbreviated resource list is included fro additional information and sources.

Information ethics must be understood as impacting each and every member of information society. As such, each member must accept certain responsibilities and act accordingly. Information ethics, as with information literacy, must become integral to formal and informal education


• Philosophical foundations
• Major issues
• Flagrant quantitative imbalance
• Inequality in information resources
• De facto hegemony
• Lack of information in developing countries
• Survival of the colonial era
• An alienating influence in the economic, social and cultural spheres
• Code of ethics
• Issue definition and evaluation
• Action/Inaction Evaluation and implementation

Integrative Questions:

1. What are the three realms of ethics?
2. What is Descriptive Ethics?
3. What is Normative Ethics?
4. What is Meta Ethics?
5. What is Ethics?


Chapter Title: Defining the Boundaries of Computer Crime: Piracy, Break-Ins, and Sabotage in Cyberspace

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“One recent form of criminal activity that seems potentially to border on computer crime is a criminal act involving the act of digital telephony. Basse points out that in the use of cellular phones, a popular technique for avoiding charges is “cloning” – i.e. reprogramming one’s cellular phone to transmit another customer’s number. When true “computer telephony” (the merging of computers and telephones, also known as Internet phones) arrives, we may need to re-examine our proposed definition of computer crime.”

Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is the Boundaries of Computer Crime.
2. To know if we really need a category of computer crime.
3. To know what is Descriptive categories of computer crime.
4. To know the three types of computer crime.
5. To know why computer crime as a descriptive category crime.


Even though concerns about crimes involving the use of computer technology have received considerable attention in the popular press as well as in certain scholarly publications, the criteria used by the news reporters, computer ethicist and legal analyst for determining what exactly constitutes a computer crime has been neither clear or nor consistent.

Based on concerns raised by Gotterbarn and other critics, we can reasonably ask whether having a separate category of computer crime is necessary or even useful. It is perhaps also worth noting that some critics have pointed out that crimes of diverse types are committed in many different sectors, but we don’t have separate categories for crimes committed in each of those areas. So it would certainly seem reasonable for these critics to ask why we need a separate category of crime for criminal acts involving computer technology.

Arguments for having a category of computer crime can be advanced from least three different perspectives: legal, moral and information and descriptive. We consider arguments for each, beginning with a look at computer crime as a separate legal category. From a legal perspective, computer crime might be viewed as a useful category for prosecuting certain kinds of crimes.

At the outset, one might reasonably ask what the value would be in pursuing questions about computer crime from the point of view of a descriptive category. We can also see then, why our existing laws and policies are not always able to extend to cover adequately at least certain kind of crimes involving computers.

• Software Piracy – using computer technology to produce one or more authorized copies of propriety computer software, distribute unauthorized software or make copies of that software available for distinction over a computer network.
• Electronic Break Ins – using computer technology to gain unauthorized access.
• Computer Sabotage – using computer technology to unleash one or more programs.

Integrative Questions:

1. What is Computer Sabotage?
2. What is Software Piracy?
3. What is Electronic Break Ins?
4. What are the three types of computer crime?
5. Do we need a Category of Computer Crime?


Chapter Title: Security in Cyber Space

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

Amazon Link:


“It is important to note that in information and communication technology context, the term security is often used in ambiguously and sometime equivocally.”

Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is Security in Cyber Space.
2. To know the Two Sense of Security.
3. To know different Crimes, Abuse and Terrorism in Cyberspace.
4. To know Anonymity.
5. To know Encryption.


Many representatives from groups in both the public and private sectors have argued for the need to increase security on the internet, claiming that the current security mechanisms are either outdated or inadequate. According to this book before identifying and discussing security issues on the Internet, it is useful to note that the concepts of security and privacy are closely related and that certain issues associated with two notions frequently overlap.

Internet related privacy concerns often arise because online users are concerned about loosing control over their personal information to organizations who claim to have some legitimate need for and right to that information in order to make important decisions. Internet related security concerns, on the other hand, sometimes arise because of fear that personal or proprietary information might be accessed and manipulated by individuals who have no legitimate need for or right to such information. Security concerns also arise because of the fear that confidential messages communicated over the internet might be intercepted by computer hackers or that computer systems themselves might be attacked by computer viruses.

It is important to note that in information and communication technology context, the term security is often used ambiguously and sometimes equivocally. There is also another sense of security that refers not much to the vulnerability of a computer system software and hardware resources.

In this chapter, issues evolving both sense of security and considered. Whereas security issues related to attacks on a computer system’s resource and on that systems residents data are considered in the chapters.

• The cryptographic technique described thus far is referred to as private key encryption or weak encryption where both parties use the same encryption algorithm and the same private key.
• Public key or strong encryption is of particular interest to governmental agencies responsible for protecting national security and military intelligence, preventing terrorism, and enforcing law.
• It is important to note that in information and communication technology context, the term security is often used ambiguously and sometimes equivocally.
• Internet related privacy concerns often arise because online users are concerned about loosing control over their personal information to organizations who claim to have some legitimate need for and right to that information in order to make important decisions
Integrative Questions:

1. What is Security in Cyberspace is all about?
2. What are the Two Senses of Security?
3. What are the Crime, Abuse, and Tourism in Cyberspace?
4. What is Anonymity?
5. What is Encryption?


Chapter Title: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

Amazon Link:


“In professional relations and the world of work, a man operates, and his activities come up for criticism, under a variety of professional or technical titles, such as miner or agricultural laborer. The technical or professional attitude is that which regards the man solely under that title, the human approach that which regards him as a man who has that title, willingly, unwillingly through lack of alternatives, with pride etc.”

Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is Panoptic Technology and the Public Good.
2. To know what is Information-based harm.
3. To know what is Informational Inequality.
4. To know Informational Justice.
5. To know Sphere of Access.
6. To know Encroachment on Moral Autonomy.


The privacy issue is concerned more specifically with the question of how to balance the claims of those who want to limit the availability of personal information in order to protect individuals and the claims of those who want to make information about individuals available in order to benefit the community. Many public administration problems can be characterized as free rider problems; law enforcement, tax collection, implementation or environmental policy. When too many persons ride free, benefit without contributing, the means fall below the minimum required and the public good can no longer be produced or sustained so it disappear altogether. The free rider problem manifests itself in many areas and has a structure of the Prison Dilemma. The Prisoners Dilemma is a strategic choice situation.

The first type of moral reason for data protection is concerned with the prevention of harm, more specifically harm done to persons by making use of personal information about them. The most important moral problem with identity theft; The prevention of information based harm provides government with the strongest possible justification for limiting the freedom of individual citizen.

Many consumer realize that every time they come to the counter to buy something they can also sell something namely information about their purchase or transactions the so called transactional data. Many privacy concern have been and will be resolved in quid pro quo practices and private contracts about the use and secondary use of personal data.

The meaning of information is local, and allocate scheme and local practices that distribute access to information should accommodate local meaning and should therefore be associated with specific spheres.


• The Prisoners Dilemma is a strategic choice situation.
• First type of moral reason for data protection is concerned with the prevention of harm, more specifically harm done to persons by making use of personal information about them.
• The liberal self is an autonomous bricoleur of identities and symbolic person information which claims itself the elbow room to shape itself in a splendid isolation from a preexisting community of speech and actions.
• IT is seen as the ultimate technology to resolve the problem of anonymity.
• Data protection laws can provide the leeway to do just that.
• Moral identification thus presupposes knowledge of the point of view of data-subject and a concern with what it is for a person to live that life.
Integrative Questions:

1. What is Information-based harm?
2. What is Informational Inequality?
3. What is Informational Justice?
4. What is Sphere of Access?
5. What is Encroachment on Moral Autonomy?