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Chapter Title: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing

Chapter Title: Privacy and Varieties of Informational Wrongdoing

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“In professional relations and the world of work, a man operates, and his activities come up for criticism, under a variety of professional or technical titles, such as miner or agricultural laborer. The technical or professional attitude is that which regards the man solely under that title, the human approach that which regards him as a man who has that title, willingly, unwillingly through lack of alternatives, with pride etc.”

Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is Panoptic Technology and the Public Good.
2. To know what is Information-based harm.
3. To know what is Informational Inequality.
4. To know Informational Justice.
5. To know Sphere of Access.
6. To know Encroachment on Moral Autonomy.


The privacy issue is concerned more specifically with the question of how to balance the claims of those who want to limit the availability of personal information in order to protect individuals and the claims of those who want to make information about individuals available in order to benefit the community. Many public administration problems can be characterized as free rider problems; law enforcement, tax collection, implementation or environmental policy. When too many persons ride free, benefit without contributing, the means fall below the minimum required and the public good can no longer be produced or sustained so it disappear altogether. The free rider problem manifests itself in many areas and has a structure of the Prison Dilemma. The Prisoners Dilemma is a strategic choice situation.

The first type of moral reason for data protection is concerned with the prevention of harm, more specifically harm done to persons by making use of personal information about them. The most important moral problem with identity theft; The prevention of information based harm provides government with the strongest possible justification for limiting the freedom of individual citizen.

Many consumer realize that every time they come to the counter to buy something they can also sell something namely information about their purchase or transactions the so called transactional data. Many privacy concern have been and will be resolved in quid pro quo practices and private contracts about the use and secondary use of personal data.

The meaning of information is local, and allocate scheme and local practices that distribute access to information should accommodate local meaning and should therefore be associated with specific spheres.


• The Prisoners Dilemma is a strategic choice situation.
• First type of moral reason for data protection is concerned with the prevention of harm, more specifically harm done to persons by making use of personal information about them.
• The liberal self is an autonomous bricoleur of identities and symbolic person information which claims itself the elbow room to shape itself in a splendid isolation from a preexisting community of speech and actions.
• IT is seen as the ultimate technology to resolve the problem of anonymity.
• Data protection laws can provide the leeway to do just that.
• Moral identification thus presupposes knowledge of the point of view of data-subject and a concern with what it is for a person to live that life.
Integrative Questions:

1. What is Information-based harm?
2. What is Informational Inequality?
3. What is Informational Justice?
4. What is Sphere of Access?
5. What is Encroachment on Moral Autonomy?

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