Reychele’s Blog
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Chapter Title: Subsumption Ethics

Chapter Title: Subsumption Ethics

Name of the Book: Cyber Ethics

Library Reference: N/A

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“Act in such a way that it is possible for one to will that the maxim of one’s action should be become the universal law.”
Learning Expectations:

1. To know what is Subsumption ethics.
2. To know the organizational Policy that drives it development.
3. To know the different axioms of subsumption ethics.
4. To know the ethical Framework
5. To know the philosophical framework.


The difference between computers and simple machines is the extent to which computer systems subsume design and development decisions over which users have little or no control. Subsuption ethics is the process by which decisions becomes incorporated into the operation of information technology and subsequently forgotten .

Subsumption in general is the process of building larger components from smaller ones. In this sense, a cell subsumes DNA function. American common law subsumes juridical decisions, and a half dryer subsumes an electric motor. Subsumption in computers is different because there is so much more subsumption going on than in simple machines.

In the computer systems, small components are developed and tested, and once they are working reliably they are subsumed into large systems. This is the enabling technique of object oriented programming. People tend to think that changes to software should be easy because programming is just a set of instructions and not like a building made up of hard materials.

There is something more at work here than just accumulating information. There is a knowledge component. Computer systems themselves are not sentient; however they provide an organization of available knowledge and information fed by the intelligence of millions of people. Subsumption ethics pushes ethical consideration into the heart of all technology decisions. Most technology wizards in the United States feel that if they miss the latest technology release, they will be left behind. Technology amplifies the action of the individuals and subsumptions ethics further describes the complex impacts of poor judgments in each of these cases.


• Subsumption ethics
• Systems Development
• Organizational policy drives IT development
• Axious of Subsumption ethics
• Four axioms
• Ethical Framework
• Philosophical frameworks applied to subsumption ethics
• Unnecessary complexity to common C programmers
• Popclient becomes fetchmail
• Fetchmail grows up
• Few more lessons from fetchmail
• Necessary preconditions for the bazaar style
• The social context of open-source software
• On management and the maginot line

Integrative Questions:

1. What is subsumption ethics?
2. What is systems development?
3. What are the four axioms?
4. What is the unnecessary complexity of a programmer?
5. Why organizational policy does drives IT development?

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